The newspaper stand where we stop each morning; the quiet spot we love to visit when we can; the worn, wooden table where we gather for supper -each of us have places which have become "holy places" for us. We don't always realize it, but these places are not incidental. In fact, they shape and form our souls in profound ways. In Landscapes of the Soul, Robert Hamma invites readers to see these places anew-to appreciate fully the way in which place nurtures our spiritual lives. In this wide-ranging discussion, Hamma draws upon scripture, psychology, and theology to lay out the framework for a comprehensive spirituality of place. He explores what is involved in developing a "sense of place" and reminds us of the way in which the places of childhood become so important. He draws upon the tradition of the ancient Hebrews and its concept of "the land" and considers what implications such an understanding has for ecology today. From the vast expanses of the cosmos to our own backyards, Hamma reminds us that our God is a God who cares about, and becomes present in, the places that we ourselves inhabit.