psychology / interpersonal relations

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psychology / interpersonal relations

The gaslight effect

how to spot and survive the hidden manipulation others use to control your life
Cover image of The gaslight effect

The art of gathering

how we meet and why it matters
"A new approach to how and why[people] come together that [can change] the ways [they] gather: at work, at school, at home and beyond"--Provided by publisher.

Strange contagion

inside the surprising science of infectious behaviors and viral emotions and what they tell us about ourselves
Explores the phenomenom of social contagion by examining the conditions under which five Palo Alto, California, high school students died by suicide in a six month period by stepping in front of an oncoming train; unlocks the mystery of how ideas spread and why they take hold; and offers thoughts on our responsibility to one another.
Cover image of Strange contagion

So you've been publicly shamed

"For the past three years, Jon Ronson has been immersing himself in the world of modern-day public shaming--meeting famous shamees, shamers, and bystanders who have been impacted... [a] book about public shaming, and about shaming as a form of social control"--Provided by publisher.

Personal intelligence

the power of personality and how it shapes our lives
"The groundbreaking psychologist argues that understanding personality is the key to our well-being"--.
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