
Topical Term

The Peculiars

Eighteen-year-old Lena Mattacascar sets out for Scree, a weird place inhabited by Peculiars, seeking the father who left when she was young, but on the way she meets young librarian Jimson Quiggley and handsome marshall Thomas Saltre, who complicate her plans.

The forging of the blade

Ten-year-old Kenric leaves the village of Penrith to look for his father who recently has gone missing, and discovers that the evil Lord Mordig is plotting to take over the kingdom.

Watchers in the woods

Examines legends about the origins of watchers--creatures that live in the shadows of the forests, including goblins, trolls, dwarfs, and gnomes, and explores the history and popular culture surrounding belief in these imaginary beings.

Ellie the guitar fairy

A rockin' goblin has Ellie the guitar fairie's instrument, and he won't give it up without a fight! Can Rachel, Kirsty, and Ellie outsmart this guitar star?.


Relates, in graphic novel format, some of the common characteristics of the goblins of folklore, as well as telling the tale "The Goblin at the Mill," and briefly relat es other goblin stories.

Wanda Witch and the bullies

Wanda Witch uses a clever spell against the goblin bullies who try to scare her.

The true blade of power

In their ongoing attempt to destroy the power-hungry Lord Mordig, the young human Kenric of Penrith and his Fey and goblin friends unite to create an invincible sword to use in bringing peace to the kingdom of Lowthar.

Clemency Pogue

the hobgoblin proxy
Clemency Pogue and the hobgoblin Chaphesmeeso try to find a boy-goblin's changeling, and restore peace to the world of Make-Believe.

Fred & Anthony meet the heinie goblins from the Black Lagoon

Fred and Anthony are shipped off to Camp Plenty Wampum, and soon discover that Lake Gitchi Lagooni is really the famous Black Lagoon and another portal to the Netherworld.

Autumn the falling leaves fairy

When Autumn the falling leaves fairy's magic goes missing, everything about fall is going wrong, from apple picking to pumpkin carving, and Kirsty and Rachel must outsmart Jack Frost and his goblins and get the magic back.


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