Defines the rule of law, its development, and its application in the United States, and examines threats to the rule of law in such areas as First Amendment rights, religious freedoms, and search and seizure.
The Squeaker of the House and the Senate Mouse-jority Leader have a big job yo do. Mrs. Tuftmore's second grade class in Moussouri has written to congress with an idea for a law to declare a national cheese. But in a big country it's not always easy to get everyone to agree.
Explains how a bill becomes a law through a story about a boy named Ramesh who calls the congressperson who represents his state with an idea for a new law that would provide people in the United States with free ice cream on their birthdays.
"Learn about the legislative branch of the United States government; learn more about how Congress creates laws and what other duties they are tasked with to ensure that the federal government and society runs smoothly"--Provided by publisher.
Readers learn about how the president gets elected, their various roles, the power they have and how that is balanced with other branches of government, and controversies and hardships a president may face during their time in office.
Young readers are introduced to the specifics of the Senate and the House of Representatives, the structure and powers of Congress, and the various jobs carried out by Congress.