word problems (mathematics)

Topical Term
word problems (mathematics)

Math word problems

ready-to-use motivating lessons on CD to help you teach essential problem-solving skills

Math word problems

Contains 180 quick math word problems--one for each day of a school year--covering measurement, money, counting, and probability, and includes an answer key.

The grapes of math

mind-stretching math riddles
Illustrated riddles introduce strategies for solving a variety of math problems by using visual clues.
Cover image of The grapes of math

Length word problems

Provides insight into solving length word problems, and includes strategies such as using drawings, symbols, and number lines to solve problems.

Beginner word problems

Photographs and text help young readers to understand the concepts of simple word problems.

Problem solving with pigs

Explains the concept of word problems through photograghs and text about pigs.

Word problems with wolves

"Combines a high-interest topic, wolves, with accessible word problems that will motivate young mathematicians to tackle each problem."--Publisher.

You can, toucan, math

word problem-solving fun
A collection of bird-themed number riddles that may be solved using addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.

Short mysteries you solve with math! =

Misterios cortos que resuelves con matem?ticas!
"A collection of short, interactive mystery stories that each appear in English and Spanish, aimed at encouraging kids ages 10-14 to apply their math, language, and critical thinking skills to real-life situations"-- Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Short mysteries you solve with math! =

Biosphere 2

solving word problems
Presents a lesson in word problems through a study of Biosphere 2 and the various ecosystems housed within the structure.


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