publishers and publishing

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publishers and publishing

William Gaines

MAD man
Chronicles the life of the madcap founder of the popular humor magazine which featured the motto "What? Me worry?" and a character named Alfred E. Neuman.

John Johnson

media magnate
Presents the life and accomplishments of the black entrepreneur who started "Ebony" magazine.

Personal history

An autobiography of "Washington Post" owner Katharine Graham in which she recounts the inside story of her family, discusses the history of the newspaper, and tells about some of the important people she encountered and exciting events she weathered as head of the newspaper, including the publishing of Pentagon Papers and Watergate.

Writer's and illustrator's guide to children's book publishers and agents

who they are! what they want! and how to win them over!
Lists hundreds of children's book and magazine publishers and agents for writers and illustrators, each with contact information and details on submissions; and includes related articles and interviews, as well as publishing tips.

Barnes & Noble

groundbreaking entrepreneurs
Presents a brief biography of both Charles Barnes and G. Clifford Noble, along with a history of the Barnes and Noble company they began.


Provides an overview of the publishing industry, highlighting various careers with information on the work environment, responsibilities, training requirements, and what personalities and skills fit well with each.

Careers in focus

A guide to careers in the publishing field that provides information on each position's training and education requirements, job responsibilities, earning potential, work environment, and future outlook; and includes interviews with people who hold the jobs featured.

Making a book

Text and photographs reveal every stage of making a book, from the writing of the manuscript and drawing of the pictures, to all the technical processes leading to printed copies.

Poet's market, 2011

A comprehensive reference guide for poets that features more than one thousand listings for presses, magazines, journals, contests, and more; with contact and submission information; and includes articles on publishing, avoiding mistakes, translating, chapbooks, readings, and other related topics; along with indexes and access to an online database.


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