
Topical Term

"Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman!"

adventures of a curious character
A collection of often humorous anecdotes about the 1965 Nobel Prize winner for physics.

"What do you care what other people think?"

further adventures of a curious character
Presents an autobiography of physicist and Nobel Prize winner, Richard Feynman, as he recounts his life with his late wife, his investigation of the Challenger disaster, and his work on the atomic bomb.

Medieval science and technology

Explores how the scientific and technological advances of medieval scientists and doctors laid the groundwork for the scientific revolution and European global expansion of the early modern age.

I have landed

the end of a beginning in natural history
A collection of Stephen Gould's essays on a wide variety of scientific topics. These essays are based on articles written for Natural history magazine between 1974 and 2001.


the unity of knowledge
The author, a Pulitzer Prize-winning biologist, presents his arguments in favor of consilience--the binding together of facts and fact-based theories in all fields of knowledge to create a common groundwork of explanation for creation.

Space exploration

Presents a debate on issues of space exploration providing opposing view points and provides information on what programs should be pursued, the elimination of NASA, and the appropriateness of using space for war.

The history of science from 1946 to the 1990s

Chronicles developments in the physical and life sciences in the latter half of the twentieth century, such as space exploration, DNA, and genetic engineering, showing how great scientists' research has built upon those that came before them, and includes a chronology, glossary, and annotated further reading list.

The history of science from 1895 to 1945

Chronicles late nineteenth- to mid-twentieth century developments in the physical and life sciences, such as the theory of relativity, splitting the atom, and genetic research, showing how great scientists' work has built upon those that came before them, and includes a chronology, glossary, and annotated further reading list.

The history of science from the ancient Greeks to the scientific revolution

Chronicles the history of science from ancient times to the seventeenth century, showing how great scientists' research has built upon those that came before them, and includes a chronology, glossary, and annotated further reading list.

Science, technology, and society

the impact of science in the 19th century
Contains essays that examine nineteenth-century advances and discoveries in life science, medicine, mathematics, physical science, and technology and invention; featuring a time line and overview for each topic, biographical profiles of important individuals in each discipline, and research and activity ideas for students.


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