rhyming games

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rhyming games

Schoolyard rhymes

kids' own rhymes for rope skipping, hand clapping, ball bouncing, and just plain fun
Contains a collection of illustrated, rhyming verse related to activities such as rope skipping, hand clapping, and ball bouncing.

Little Hands fingerplays & action songs

seasonal activities & creative play for 2- to 6-year-olds
Presents more than one hundred interactive motion songs for kids, along with related activities, arranged according to the four seasons. Song subjects include holidays, foods, school, jobs, and animals.

Miss Mary Mack and other children's street rhymes

A collection of children's street rhymes, including "Miss Mary Mack, " "A, My Name is Alice, " and "One Potato, Two Potato, " that includes directions for activities which correlate to a few of the selections.

Mitt magic

fingerplays for finger puppets
Presents a collection of fingerplays for young children based on the number five, designed for everyday and special occasions, and includes patterns for finger puppets.

The Kingfisher playtime treasury

a collection of playground rhymes, games, and action songs
An illustrated collection of games, rhymes, and songs involving guessing, choosing, pretending, counting, clapping, and acting.

The rain or shine activity book

fun things to make and do
Gives directions for games and amusements of all kinds, including riddles, tongue-twisters, card games, street rhymes, brain teasers, and fun with string.

Miss Mary Mack and other children's street rhymes

A collection of rhymes used in street games remembered from the compilers' childhoods and those of their friends. Includes basic instructions for the activities.


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