Presents a graphic novel adaptation of the continuing story of the ogre Shrek and his wife, Princess Fiona, following the newlyweds as they travel to meet Fiona's parents.
Smash, a half human ogre, finds himself in Xanth coming to the aid of seven assorted females and wondering how all that high-flown conversation can be coming out of his mouth.
Presents the history and origin of giants and ogres in the ancient mythology of Greece and Rome, Norse and Scandinavian folklore, and various fairy tales.
Contains three stories of ogres, trolls, and giants from throughout history, presented in graphic novel form, and includes three additional brief accounts of monsters, as well as background information on the creatures.
A collection of spooky, illustrated poems for children that describe the ghouls, goblins, and other creepy creatures that haunt the rides at the Scarum Fair.
Examines the myths, scary tales, and legends surrounding giants, trolls, and ogres, exploring how they are portrayed in various cultures around the world and throughout history.
Danielle Reed discovers the reason why her new home makes her uneasy when she enters a boarded-up door and finds a place where ogres are plotting to take over Ohio in the first step of a much bigger plan.