effective teaching

Topical Term
effective teaching

Honoring diverse teaching styles

a guide for supervisors
Describes a system designed to foster effective teacher development while respecting individual teaching styles, focusing on the basic five-stage clinical supervision sequence.

Becoming a better teacher

eight innovations that work
Presents guidance, activities, tools, and recommended resources for teachers of grades K-12 on eight points that are key to their effectiveness as teachers: essential questions, curriculum integration for coherence, standards-based curriculum and assessment design, authentic assessment, scoring rubrics, portfolios, reflection, and action research.

Reaching boys, teaching boys

strategies that work--and why
Describes teaching techniques that have proven to be effective with male students, explains what boys need in order to want to succeed in school, and includes examples of classroom activities, and testimony from boys and teachers.

How to motivate reluctant learners

A step-by-step guide to motivating reluctant learners, offering advice to educators on how to motivate students to invest in the classroom, create a classroom worth investing in, address the internal reasons why students resist investment, ask students to commit to the investment, and launch the new approach.

Visible learning

a synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement
Draws on fifteen years of research and more than eight hundred meta-analyses to examine the factors that influence achievement in school-aged students.

Classroom management that works

research-based strategies for every teacher
Discusses the importance of classroom management to effective teaching and learning, and draws from educational research to present specific strategies teachers can use to control their classrooms, covering rules and procedures, disciplinary interventions, teacher-student relationships, student responsibility, and other topics.

Connecting in your classroom

18 teachers tell how they foster the relationships that lead to student success
Reveals the secrets of eighteen exceptional teachers from across the United States and identifies five key attributes of great teachers.

The Fountas & Pinnell leveled book list K-8

Presents an alphabetical listing over 18,000 recommended books for students in kindergarten through eighth grade, each with notations on level, genre, word count, author/series, and publisher/distributor, and includes a second list organized by reading level.


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