Groner, Judyth Saypol

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All about Passover

Retells the story of the Passover and the Israelites' flight from Egypt explaining the traditions of the Passover Seder, and includes recipes of the various foods eaten during the celebration.

All about Hanukkah

Discusses the historical background for Hanukkah and examines its blessings, music, games, and modern observance.
Cover image of All about Hanukkah

Come, let us welcome Shabbat

A guide to the order of the Friday night Jewish observance, from the dropping of coins into the tzedakah box through the blessing after the Shabbat meal. Includes songs, a challah recipe, and craft ideas.

Maccabee meals

food and fun for Hanukkah
Presents recipes for various dishes for Hanukkah celebrations, including eight different kinds of latkes, and contains crafts, games, and candle lighting blessings.

My first Hebrew word book

A picture dictionary containing two-page spreads on such topics as family, clothing, school, the rooms of a house, the zoo, and the seasons, which presents 150 words in Hebrew and English.

All about Rosh Hashanah

Brief text introduces the history and customs of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Includes folk tales.

All about Hanukkah

Discusses the historical background for Hanukkah and examines its blessings, music, games, and modern observance.

All about Hanukkah

Discusses the historical background for Hanukkah and examines its blessings, music, games, and modern observance.
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