Karst, Ken

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Loch Ness monster

"An in-depth study of the Loch Ness Monster, examining legends, popular reports, and scientific evidence that supports or refutes the existence of the mysterious phenomenon"--Provided by publisher.


"An in-depth study of Atlantis, examining legends, popular reports, and scientific evidence that supports or refutes the existence of the mysterious civilization"--Provided by publisher.


"An in-depth study of Bigfoot, examining legends, popular reports, and scientific evidence that supports or refutes the existence of the mysterious phenomenon"--Provided by publisher.

Alien abductions

"An investigative approach to the curious phenomena and mysterious circumstances surrounding alien abductions, from abductees' hypnotic recollections to conspiracy theories to hard facts"--Provided by publisher.

Sea monsters

"An investigative approach to the curious phenomena and mysterious circumstances surrounding sea monsters, from mythological tales to reported sightings to hard facts"--Provided by publisher.

Near-death experiences

"An investigative approach to the . . . phenomena and . . . circumstances surrounding near-death experiences, from survivors' personal accounts to psychological studies to hard facts"--Provided by publisher.

Loch Ness monster

"An investigative approach to the curious phenomena and mysterious circumstances surrounding the Loch Ness Monster, from legendary sightings to exploratory sonar use to hard facts"--Provided by publisher.

The Great Sphinx

"An investigative approach to the curious phenomena and mysterious circumstances surrounding the Great Sphinx, from historical legends to archaeological findings to hard facts"--Provided by publisher.

Alien abductions

"An investigative approach to the curious phenomena and mysterious circumstances surrounding alien abductions, from abductees' hypnotic recollections to conspiracy theories to hard facts"--Provided by publisher.

Near-death experiences

An in-depth study of near-death experiences, examining legends, popular reports, and scientific evidence that supports or refutes the mysterious phenomena.


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