Prehistoric world

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Early life

Presents an introduction to the Paleozoic era, providing a time line and details about the animals that lived during the time period.

The Ice Age

Presents an introduction to the Ice Age, providing a time line and details about the animals that lived during the time period.

Is it a dinosaur?

Describes differences between the bones of several kinds of prehistoric animals, including pelycosaurs and glyptodonts.

Dinosaur tracks

Describes different kinds of trackways--sets of dinosaur prints--and what they tell scientists about dinosaurs, and discusses differences in the footprints of plant and meat eaters.

Dinosaur eggs

Explores what is found within a dinosaur egg, describes the different ways scientists study them, and compares them with bird eggs.

Dinosaur dig!

Explains how paleontologists dig out fossils, protect them, map out where they were, and build dinosaur skeletons.

Dinosaur armor

Describes physical characteristics that helped protect several kinds of dinosaurs from predators, including tall plates, bony scutes, spikes, and tail clubs.

Triceratops and other horned plant-eaters

Discusses traits and habitats of Triceratops and other dinosaurs that are horned, such as the Chasmosaurus and Torosuarus.

Stegosaurus and other plate-backed plant-eaters

Presents detailed information on prickly-plant eating dinosaurs including time lines and a family tree.

Pachycephalosaurus and other bone-headed plant-eaters

Describes the physical characteristics and behavior of pachycephalosaurus and other bone-headed plant-eating dinosaurs.


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