A modern Chinese to English and English to Chinese dictionary, this reference book is designed for learners of Chinese or English, from beginner up to university level and is ideal for anyone who needs easy access to both a dictionary and a practical language supplement; covering thousands of phrases with examples guiding the user to the most appropriate translation.
Presents a Mandarin Chinese picture dictionary featuring more than 1,500 words and phrases one must know to pass the AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam and the Chinese government HSK Levels 1-3 proficiency exam. The book is organized into thirty-eight themes or topics, with each section containing twenty-five to thirty-five words and five to eight sentences demonstrating correct usage. Also includes over 600 color photographs.
"In 1405, the Chinese emperor sent the world's largest fleet of ships to explore the ""Western Oceans."" Zheng He was at the helm of the expedition, a man who rose from poverty to captain China's famous Treasure Fleet on an adventure covering more than thirty-five thousand miles. Little known in the West, Zheng He was one of history's most important explorers. This guide will take readers on a journey from Nanjing all the way to Africa and the Middle East as Zheng He brings Chinese technology to remote ports of call, and changes the face of the world in the process.".
Presents color illustrations based on topics such as plants, animals, the human body, home, musical instruments, and school, each with labels that identify pictured objects in English and Chinese.
Provides Mandarin Chinese to English and English to Mandarin Chinese translations of four thousand words and phrases and includes a pronunciation guide and a grammar review.