Beasts of Olympus

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Steeds of the Gods

Demon is getting used to his role as the official Beast Keeper to the gods on Mount Olympus. the gods are getting used to him, too - until Helios and Poseidon decide to involve him in a feud! The two gods are planning a race to see which of their steeds are the fastest. Both the vengeful gods have requested Demon's help, but he can choose only one.

Beast keeper

Eleven-year-old Demon had never met his father, the god Pan, until the day he was whisked away to the stables of Olympus and charged with looking after all of the mythical creatures there, a task which is complicated by the tempestuous gods and goddesses and Heracles, who keeps killing the immortal beasts.

Hound of Hades

Having proven himself capable of caring for the mythical creatures that dwell on Olympus, eleven-year-old Demon is summoned by the great god Hades to the Underworld to tend to Cerberus, the three-headed dog Guardian of the Underworld, which has been beaten by Demon's nemesis, Heracles.


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