sex differences

Topical Term
sex differences

Why we love

the nature and chemistry of romantic love
Anthropologist Helen Fisher explains how the brain reacts when a person falls in love, concluding that romantic passion is hardwired into the brains of humans by millions of years of evolution.

Dr. Tatiana's sex advice to all creation

Poses a series of fictional questions with answers that provide information about the sexual behavior of insects and animals.

Gender shock

exploding the myths of male and female
Examines three major aspects of gender: behavior, appearance, and science and argues that the traditional roles assigned to males and females by society are not necessarily indicative of their sexuality.

The sexual paradox

men, women and the real gender gap
Examines the learning and behavioral gaps between boys and girls in the classroom and how those roles are often reversed in the workplace.

Why gender matters

what parents and teachers need to know about the emerging science of sex differences
Examines the biological differences in the way boys and girls think, feel, and act, and offers advice to parents on how to best address issues such as discipline, learning, aggression, and others by taking those differences into account.

It's not the stork!

a book about girls, boys, babies, bodies, families, and friends
Uses bird and bee cartoon characters to answer questions that younger children frequently ask about the human body.

What's the big secret?

talking about sex with girls and boys
Answers some of the most common questions about sex and development.

Who has what?

all about girls' bodies and boys' bodies
Provides colorful illustrations and easy-to-understand facts for young children about the physical differences between boys and girls and follows siblings Nellie and Gus on a family outing to the beach where they ask lots of questions.

It's not the stork!

a book about girls, boys, babies, bodies, families, and friends
A collection of illustrated questions and answers that help preschool, kindergarten, and early elementary school children understand about their bodies and how they began.


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