sex instruction

Topical Term
sex instruction

What's in there?

all about you before you were born
Illustrations and simple text explains facts and answers common questions about pregnancy and how babies develop.

Real talk about sex & consent

what every teen needs to know
"Teens deserve clear, accurate information about sex and consent. Real Talk About Sex and Consent is a complete guide for teen readers with essential information about setting boundaries, coercion, reciprocity, how the body and brain respond to trauma, and communication. With this comprehensive road map, teen readers will learn how to make sexual decisions that honor their sense of values and cultivate happy, healthy, and emotionally supportive relationships throughout their lives" -- Provided by publisher.

Do abstinence programs work?

Presents expert discussions of the controversial topic of the efficacy of abstinence programs, covering a variety of arguments in order to facilitate the development of critical thinking skills, with primary and secondary sources and other resources to aid in research.
Cover image of Do abstinence programs work?

The sex book

an alphabet of smarter love
Alphabetically arranged entries address a variety of issues related to sex and human sexuality.
Cover image of The sex book

Teenage pregnancy and parenting

Contains twenty-six articles that provide opposing viewpoints on issues related to teen pregnancy and parenting, addressing questions about whether teen pregnancy is a serious problem, what factors contribute to teen pregnancy, the effectiveness of sex education programs, alternatives to teen parenting, and the social view of teen parenting.
Cover image of Teenage pregnancy and parenting

Sex education

a novel
As a project for an unusually open class in sex education, Livvie and her boyfriend David learn to care for a pregnant young neighbor, and as they become deeply involved with her and with each other, they learn about love and caring.

The birds, the bees, and you and me

Seventeen-year-old Lacey Burke responds to the failure of her school's abstinence-only sexual education curriculum by handing out advice and contraceptives in the girls' bathroom, even as her own life gets complicated.

Doing it!

Discusses a wide variety of topics related to sex.

Sex and sexuality

Presents a collection of essays selected from the New York Times that looks at gay and lesbian rights, transgender stories, queer identity, feminism, and sexual consent.

Sex ed

A sex education guide for teens, discussing the changes teenagers experience physically and emotionally, and providing answers to questions young people may have about relationships, getting serious, sexually transmitted diseases, contraception, pregnancy, and homosexuality.


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