Riot brothers

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Take the mummy and run

the Riot Brothers are on a roll
Brothers Orville and Wilbur Riot set off on a whole new set of adventures which include hunting for lost mummies and creating their own water park.

Drooling and dangerous

Includes three stories about the adventures of the Riot Brothers, plus a section of Riot Brother games.
Cover image of Drooling and dangerous

Snarf attack, underfoodle, and the secret of life

Contains three stories in which brothers and best friends Wilbur and Orville Riot catch a thief, overthrow a king, and find a treasure, and includes rules to some of their made-up games.

Stinky and successful

the Riot Brothers never stop
A collection of three short stories featuring the exploits and adventures of the Riot Brothers, who seem to find trouble and fun no matter where they go.

Drooling and dangerous

the Riot Brothers return!
Three more hilarious, gross-out stories featuring Orville and Wilbur Riot.
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