warhol, andy

warhol, andy

Lou Reed

the King of New York
"The most complete and penetrating biography of the rock master Lou Reed, whose stature grows every year"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Lou Reed

Dropping in on Andy Warhol

Puffer flies to New York City, where he meets artist Andy Warhol and introduces children to his life and work.

Art is everywhere

a book about Andy Warhol
"This is the story of Andy Warhol.. and how his pop art took the world by storm. From drawing shoes for a shoe company to his Campbell's Soup cans and Marilyn Monroe prints, Andy made art out of the everyday. People claimed Andy's art wasn't real art, but that didn't stop him from making it, plus movies, a magazine, a TV show, and more!" -- Jacket falp.
Cover image of Art is everywhere

Andy Warhol

A brief biography of iconic American artist Andy Warhol.

Becoming Andy Warhol

In graphic novel format looks at the life of twentieth-century American artist Andy Warhol.

Dia's Andy

May 2005 - April 2006

Andy Warhol

A simple biography of a man who helped develop Pop Art and made art fun for many people.
Cover image of Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol

prince of pop
Chronicles the life of pop artist Andy Warhol, describing his childhood in Pittsburgh, the development of the Factory, and his rise to fame.
Cover image of Andy Warhol

Get to know Andy Warhol

"Describes the life and work of artist Andy Warhol"--Provided by publisher.

Artists of pop art

Andy Warhol, Wayne Thiebaud, Roy Lichtenstein
Showcases masterworks by three painters of the pop art, including Lichtenstein, Thiebaud, and Warhol, providing details about their individual styles, techniques, and subjects, and challenging viewers to identify the artist of featured paintings.


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