mother-son relationship

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mother-son relationship

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a novel
In the 1970s, Bobby DeSoto and Mary Wittaker design a series of radical protests against the Vietnam War that changes the course of their lives forever, forcing them to change their identities and leave the past behind, never to see one another again.


While his mother grieves the death of her fourth husband, Tony vents his feelings to the Confess-O-Rama, never suspecting who's on the other end of the line.

Mom, it's my first day of kindergarten!

A five-year-old boy, ready and eager on his first day at "the big kids' school," must calm his very worried mother.

Why do I have to make my bed?, or, A history of messy rooms

When a boy asks his mother why he must make his bed, she tells him a story about his ancestors who posed the same question through the centuries, going all the way back to a caveboy and his mother.


Despite his mother's warning, young Harvey draws on Doodleday, but when his drawings come to life in frightening ways, only his mother can help.

Shake, rattle & turn that noise down!

how Elvis changed music, me, and Mom
Mark Stamaty recounts how the music of Elvis Presley changed his life and how his mother did not appreciate his love for rock and roll until his performance at a Boy Scout talent show helps her see Mark's passion for music.

Poppy's return

Poppy, her rebellious son, Junior, and his friends Melphitis and Ereth, are summoned back to Gray House, to help save her family home from the destruction of the bulldozer.

I can bowl!

When a boy and his mother go bowling, he demonstrates how to play the game.

First mothers

Brief biographies of the president's mothers, full of fun facts entertaining anecdotes, and embarrassing childhood stories!.

Me and Momma and Big John

Little John is proud of his mother's work as a stonecutter for a cathedral called "Big John," but struggles to understand the importance of spending so much time on one stone that no one will know Momma cut.


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