Hantman, Clea

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30 days to finding and keeping sassy sidekicks and BFFs

a friendship field guide
Clea Hantman offers a thirty-day program to help women build stronger friendships, evaluate their current friendship needs, and make new friends that will last a lifetime.

30 days to getting over the dork you used to call your boyfriend

a heartbreak handbook
Contains thirty days of activities and advice aimed at helping one move on after a break up.

Three girls and a god

Thalia's new boyfriend Dylan seems very familiar and the evil Furies are determined that the Muse sisters will not discover his true identity.

Muses on the move

The Goddesses, a trio of Zeus' daughters who have been accidently banished to Athens, Georgia in 2001, embark on a road trip with secret and hilarious agendas.

Love or fate

After Thalia defies Hera's order not to use their powers, the Muses are destined to spend an eternity in Hades, unless they can outwit the furies, a three-headed dog, and Hera.

Heaven sent

Polly, Era, and Thalia, banished by their father, Zeus, as punishment for a prank,accidently end up in Athens, Georgia in 2001 where they must navigate the obstacles of twenty-first century high school.


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