mesmer, franz anton

mesmer, franz anton


How Ben Franklin Solved a Mystery That Baffled All of France
A whimsical depiction of a true moment in history describes how the innovative American Founding Father used the scientific method to discern the practices of a famous Parisian magician. By the award-winning author of Me and Momma and Big John.
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how Ben Franklin solved a mystery that baffled all of France
Discover how Benjamin Franklin's scientific method challenged a certain Dr. Mesmer's mysterious powers in a whimsical look at a true moment in history.


how Ben Franklin solved a mystery that baffled all of France
Relates the story of Benjamin Franklin's involvement in the early development of the scientific method during a visit to France during the American Revolution to drum up support for the colonists. When asked to determine if the invisible force that Dr. Franz Anton Mesmer claimed he was using to cure patients was genuine, Franklin devised a series of tests that provided the answer in clear results.
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