Dorothy must die

Compare Series: 

The end of Oz

Amy Gumm travels from Oz to the twisted land of Ev, where she fights to free Oz from evil once and for all.
Cover image of The end of Oz

Dorothy must die

"Amy Gumm, the other girl from Kansas, has been recruited by the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked to stop Dorothy who has found a way to come back to Oz, seizing a power that has gone to her head -- so now no one is safe!"-OCLC.

The wicked will rise

Amy, continuing her efforts to free an oppressed Oz, discovers harrowing truths about her mission, Oz's past, and a growing danger that threatens her Kansas home.

The wicked will rise

"Amy's job as assassin didn't work out as planned. Dorothy is still alive. The Order has vanished. And the home she couldn't wait to leave behind might be in danger"--OCLC.
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