sea monsters

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sea monsters

Bailey School Kids #14

Monsters Don't Scuba Dive
The Bailey School kids go to summer camp.

Sepron the Sea Serpent

Beast quest, #2
When Sepron the Sea Serpent promises to bring floods, starvation, and fear to the people of Avantia's coast, Tom and Elenna must figure out a way to stop the terrifying beast.

The secret sea monster

Barbie and her sisters investigate the sighting of a sea monster.

Sea creatures

This book explores the many myths and legends about sea creatures, some of which are centuries old!.

Sea creatures

Explores the many myths and legends about sea creatures, some of which are centuries old.

Monsters of the deep

Examines the myths and legends surrounding monsters that live in water, including the Kraken, Nessie, Devil Whale and more.

Sea monster!

When a legendary sea monster starts making waves in the Sea of Wrenly, Prince Lucas and his friend Clara travel to the Island of Primlox seeking information that might help them calm the beast.

Sea monster!

When a legendary sea monster starts making waves in the Sea of Wrenly, Prince Lucas and his friend Clara travel to the Island of Primlox seeking information that might help them calm the beast.

The edge of the abyss

Eighteen-year-old Cassandra Leung struggles with her morality and her romantic relationship with fellow pirate Swift Kent as she and the Minnow pirate crew work to take down wild sea monsters, dubbed Hellbeasts, who are attacking ships and destroying the ocean ecosystem.


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