Beaton, Kathryn

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Discover Beluga whales

"Introduces basic facts about beluga whales, including their physical characteristics, diet, and habitat."--Provided by publisher.

I see rainbows

"Offers answers to their most compelling questions about rainbows. Additional text features and search tools, help students locate information and learn new words"--Provided by publisher.

Discover beluga whales

Introduces basic facts about beluga whales, including their physical characteristics, diet, and habitat.
Cover image of Discover beluga whales


Introduces readers to the best ways to make use of paycheck earnings.


When it's time to cash your paycheck, do you wonder how much to spend versus save? This book introduces readers to making best use of their paychecks. Real world examples help readers learn the importance of math skills for money management. Callouts prompt inquiry, further thinking, and close examination of photographs. Additional text features and search tools, including a glossary and an index, help students locate information and learn new words.

The moon changes shape

Offers answers to questions children may have about the moon and lunar phases.

I see rainbows

"Offers answers to their most compelling questions about rainbows. Additional text features and search tools, help students locate information and learn new words"--Provided by publisher.
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