judicial process

Topical Term
judicial process

The judicial branch

Examines the federal court system and the state court system of the United States. Also looks at some landmark Supreme Court decisions and how a case makes its way to the Supreme Court.

Justice for all

the story of the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court and the judicial branch

how the federal courts interpret our laws
This book describes the Supreme Court of the United States, the history of the federal judiciary, and the judiciary's organizations and responsibilities.

Laboratory of justice

Examines how the Supreme Court has struggled to integrate scientific knowledge into court rulings. Discusses a variety of precedent setting cases, such as legalized eugenics in the Buck v. Bell case, the internment of Japanese-Americans in Korematsu v. United States, and the end to segregation with Brown v. Board of Education.

Closed chambers

the first eyewitness account of the epic struggles inside the Supreme Court

The Kent State incident

impact of judicial process on public attitudes

You are the Supreme Court justice

Presents legal issues of the Supreme Court allowing the reader to be a justice on the court and decide the issues along with the eight other justices.

Girls on the stand

how courts fail pregnant minors
Explains how the United States Supreme Court has limited the rights of underage girls seeking an abortion, describing how the bypass process, in which a minor must petition a judge for the right to have an abortion without parental permission, works and why the system has failed to protect women's rights.


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