
Geographic Name

English explorers

Two contemporary children meet Sir Walter Raleigh who tells the story of the great English explorers, like John Cabot and Francis Drake.

Henry Hudson and his voyages of exploration in world history

Examines the experiences of Henry Hudson, tracing his voyages in the Arctic and North America and his discovery of the Hudson River and other bodies of water during his unsuccessful search for a Northwest Passage to Asia.

Historical dictionary of the Elizabethan world

Britain, Ireland, Europe, and America
Provides clear definitions and descriptions of people, events, institutions, ideas, and terminology that relate to the reign of Elizabeth I.

Henry Hudson

Examines the life and adventures of Henry Hudson, the English sea captain who explored the Arctic Ocean and the river and bay later named for him while in search of a northern route to the Orient.

The lost voyage of John Cabot

a novel
A fictionalized account of the voyages of explorer John Cabot, particulary his 1498 journey to the New World from which he and two of his sons never returned, inspiring his middle son Sebastian to eventually make his own voyages of exploration looking for the northwest passage to Asia and for some trace of his long lost father and brothers.

The Lyon's roar

Fourteen-year-old Jess relates her sea voyage with other English families to Roanoke Island in 1587, their attempt to make a permanent settlement, and Jess's contact with the Croatoan Indians.

Sir Francis Drake

a primary source biography
Draws from primary source documents to examine the life and accomplishments of Sir Francis Drake, the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe, discussing his childhood, early voyages, raids on the Spanish, and other topics.

The story of Pocahontas

A fictionalized account of the life of Pocahontas, the seventeenth-century Native American girl who befriended Captain John Smith and the English settlers of Jamestown.

Historical dictionary of the Elizabethan world

Britain, Ireland, Europe, and America
Alphabetically arranged entries provide clear definitions and descriptions of people, events, institutions, ideas, and terminology related to the Elizabethan period.

Blue Feather's vision

the dawn of colonial America
An aged Indian chief fears that white strangers who have visited his village will return to destroy the Indian way of life.


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