Introducci?on a los h?abitats

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El ha?bitat del A?rtico

Photographs, illustrations, and simple text describe the various plants and animals that live in the Arctic regions.

Habitats terrestres

An introduction to a variety of land habitats and the animals and plants that live there.

Habitats subterraneos

An introduction to underground habitats, including nests, holes, and burrows, and looks at some of the plants and animals that live underground.

Habitats de jardin

Learn about the variety of plants and animals that survive in backyard habitats.

Habitats acuaticos

Introduces various types of water habitats and the plant and animal life that are found there.

El haitat del Arctico

Studies the Arctic and the animals and plants that call it home.

Un habitat de sabana

Describes the grasslands of Africa and the plant and animal life that lives on the savanna.

Un habitat de pastizal

An introduction to grassland habitats including information about land, water, and underground homes and looks at some of the plants and animals that live in prairies.

El habitat de la Antartida

An introduction to the Antarctic habitat, including land and water, as well as some of the plants and animals that live in this very cold part of the world.

Un ha?bitat de pantano

Simple text and photographs present the features and inhabitants of a wetland habitat, discussing the various mammals, fish, birds, plants, amphibians, and reptiles that can be found.


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