social life and customs

Geographic Name
social life and customs

How my family lives in America

African-American, Asian-American, and Hispanic-American children describe their families' cultural traditions.

A child's day

Text and accompanying photographs explore the daily life of children in nineteenth-century North American communities through stories and activities.

Early settler children

An examination of what life was like for children in the early years of the United States, including clothing, expectations of their parents, labor, and poverty.

Your travel guide to colonial America

Takes readers on a journey back in time in order to experience life in the American colonies, describing clothing, accommodations, foods, local customs, transportation, a few notable personalities, and more.
Cover image of Your travel guide to colonial America

A sampler view of colonial life

Describes the samplers stitched by girls in colonial America and explains what these samplers tell about the lives of their makers. Includes simple projects.
Cover image of A sampler view of colonial life

Colonial days

discover the past with fun projects, games, activities, and recipes
Discusses colonial life in America, depicts a year in the life of a fictional colonial family, and presents projects and activities, such as butter churning, candle dipping, baking bread, and playing colonial games.
Cover image of Colonial days

Samuel Eaton's day

a day in the life of a Pilgrim boy
Text and photographs follow a six-year-old Pilgrim boy through a busy day during the spring harvest in 1627: doing chores, getting to know his Wampanoag Indian neighbors, and spending time with his family.
Cover image of Samuel Eaton's day


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