Know your rights

Compare Series: 

Your legal rights in the workplace

Looks at the the laws and legislation in the workplace, discussing harassment, punishment and more.
Cover image of Your legal rights in the workplace

Your legal rights in school

Discusses the laws surrounding schools, including bullying, discrimination, privacy, and fair discipline.
Cover image of Your legal rights in school

Your legal rights as a juvenile being tried as an adult

Examines the laws surrounding juvenile justice, including what the differences are between being tried as a juvenile and as an adult and how that decision is made.
Cover image of Your legal rights as a juvenile being tried as an adult

Racial profiling and discrimination

your legal rights
Looks at racial profiling and discrimination, discussing what it is, why it happens, the legalities surrounding racial profiling and more.
Cover image of Racial profiling and discrimination

The law and your family

your legal rights
Examines the laws surrounding marriage, separation and divorce, and child custody.
Cover image of The law and your family

The juvenile court system

your legal rights
Looks at how the juvenile criminal court systems works, discussing the difference between fun and serious trouble, what to do if arrested and more.
Cover image of The juvenile court system

Alcohol and drug offenses

your legal rights
Examines the laws around alcohol, marijuana, and other illegal and illicit drugs.
Cover image of Alcohol and drug offenses

Your legal rights as an immigrant

Looks at the legal rights given to immigrants in the United States.
Cover image of Your legal rights as an immigrant

Your legal rights as an immigrant

Looks at the legal rights given to immigrants in the United States.
Cover image of Your legal rights as an immigrant

Misdemeanor prosecution

your legal rights
"Far too often, teens find themselves caught up in the legal system over actions that didn't seem like a big deal at the time. Unforeseen consequences of small pranks, petty theft, public drinking or urination, simple assault, and trespassing can become too overwhelming for somebody without legal experience, resources, or know-how. This simple guide defines misdemeanors and minor offenses, explains what to do when cited for one, and narrates the court experience in an accessible way. Most important, it also guides readers who may have already encountered trouble on successfully moving beyond it and avoiding further problems down the line"--Provided by the publisher.


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