Norac, Carl

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Swing Cafe

A Brazilian cricket named Zaz travels from her homeland to the Swing Cafe? jazz club in Manhattan where she delivers a performance of a lifetime. Includes a CD with classic recordings by jazz legends mentioned in the story.
Cover image of Swing Cafe

Ba t?? l? ng???i kh??ong l?? =

My daddy is a giant
A little boy presents his perspective of his adoring father, who seems so large that clouds rest on his shoulders and birds nest in his hair.

Babam bir dev =

My daddy is a giant
A little boy describes his perspective of his adoring father, who seems so large that clouds rest on his shoulders and birds nest in his hair. Presented in Turkish and English.

Moj je tatek div =

My daddy is a giant
A little boy presents his perspective of his adoring father, who seems so large that clouds rest on his shoulders and birds nest in his hair. Presented in Croatian and English.

Soy un cielo

Lola the hamster takes pride in being her mother's little angel until angelic behavior becomes just a little too hard.

Quiero un beso!

Leo learns the importance of asking for things nicely.

Hello, Sweetie Pie

Lola the hamster is teased by her classmates after they learn that Lola's parents call her "babycake," "sweetie pie," and "fairy princess.".

I love you so much

Sincer her parents are too busy in the morning to listen to her say that she loves them, Lola the hamster waits all day long for another opportunity to say the words.

I love you so much

Since her parents are too busy in the morning to listen to her say that she loves them, Lola the hamster waits all day long for another opportunity to say the words.

My daddy is a giant

A little boy presents his perspective of his adoring father, who seems so large that clouds rest on his shoulders and birds nest in his hair.


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