Mincks, Margaret

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With diagrams, graphs, great photos, and fun text, learn all about chihuahuas.
Cover image of Chihuahuas


Text and photographs explore the lives of ticks.

Head lice

Text and photographs explore the lives of Head lice.


Text and photographs explore the lives of bedbugs.

President of Poplar Lane

Clover O'Reilly, who struggles to be heard in her large family, and comedy magician Mike the Unusual, who only feels confident onstage, compete to become Poplar Middle School's seventh-grade class president.

Payback on Poplar Lane

A friendly neighborhood business competition between sixth-graders Rachel Chambers, so quiet she is practically invisible, and Peter S. Gronkowski, future mogul, turns into a ruthless rivalry.

Payback on Poplar Lane

A friendly neighborhood business competition between sixth-graders Rachel Chambers, so quiet she is practically invisible, and Peter S. Gronkowski, future mogul, turns into a ruthless rivalry.
Cover image of Payback on Poplar Lane

Head lice

Through dynamic infographics, charts, up-close photos and strong reading level control, this title explores the lives of head lice the creepy parasites that might be living near you.
Cover image of Head lice


An introduction to ticks, describing their physical characteristics, life cycle, how they can make humans sick, and how to prevent tick bites.
Cover image of Ticks

What we get from Roman mythology

Introduces Roman mythology, legendary characters, and stories, and shows the influence of Roman myths on modern culture.


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