
Topical Term

The holy way

practices for a simple life
Paula Huston shares what she learned on her spiritual journey to find a peaceful, less cluttered kind of life.

Everyday simplicity

a practical guide to spiritual growth


an experimental mutiny against excess
The author and her family reduced excess in their lives by spending thirty days focusing on each of seven topics and limiting to seven for each. Includes the areas of food, clothing, media, stress, and more.

Moving on

creating your house of belonging with simple abundance

Better off

flipping the switch on technology
Two well-educated people participate in a technological research project by turning off their water, television, cell phones, cars, and refrigerators for an eighteen-month test. They discover that they are able to master their human situation and live more simply.

Small is the new big

and 183 other riffs, rants, and remarkable business ideas

Better off

flipping the switch on technology
The author describes his eighteen months living with his wife in an Anabaptist farming community as part of his master's thesis research on the effects of technology on society, discussing the customs and Christian motivations of the residents, and sharing what he learned about how little technology it takes to live a fulfilled life.

Give it up!

my year of learning to live better with less
Mary Carlomagno describes her experiences after making the decision to simplify her life by choosing one of her favorite things to give up for one month over the course of a year, and discusses how her plan gave her a fresh outlook on the world around her.

The outfoxed fox

based on a Japanese Kyogen
A proud old fox scorns a youngster's simple plan for stopping the hunter who has grown skillful at killing foxes, but when he sets out to handle the problem himself, he runs into trouble. Includes facts about kyogen, a traditional type of Japanese drama, and the play from which this story is derived.


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