leyte gulf, battle of, philippines, 1944

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leyte gulf, battle of, philippines, 1944

The last stand of the tin can sailors

the extraordinary World War II story of the U.S. Navy's finest hour
Chronicles the experiences of the Navy pilots who attacked the mightiest ships of the Japanese Navy with makeshift weapons on October 25, 1944.

The last epic naval battle

voices from Leyte Gulf
Shares personal accounts from men who were at the Battle of Leyte Gulf.

For crew and country

the inspirational true story of bravery and sacrifice aboard the USS Samuel B. Roberts
In For Crew and Country, John Wukovits tells of the most dramatic naval battle of the Pacific War and the incredible sacrifice of the USS Samuel B. Roberts. On October 25, 1944, the Samuel B. Roberts, along with the other twelve vessels comprising its unit, stood between Japan's largest battleship force ever sent to sea and MacArthur?s transports inside Leyte Gulf. Faced with the surprise appearance of more than twenty Japanese battleships, cruisers, and destroyers, including the Yamato, at 70,000 tons the most potent battlewagon in the world, the 1,200-ton Samuel B. Roberts turned immediately into action with six other ships. The ship churned straight at the enemy in a near-suicidal attempt to deflect the more potent foe, allow the small aircraft carriers to escape, and buy time for MacArthur?s forces. Of 563 destroyers constructed during WWII, the Samuel B. Roberts was the only one sunk, going down with guns blazing in a duel reminiscent of the Spartans at Thermopylae or Davy Crockett?s Alamo defenders. The men who survived faced a horrifying three-day nightmare in the sea, where they battled a lack of food and water, scorching sun and numbing nighttime cold, and nature?s most feared adversary?sharks. The battle would go down as history's greatest sea clash, the Battle of Samar?the dramatic climax of the Battle of Leyte Gulf.

The Battle of Leyte Gulf, 23-26 October 1944

Examines the Battle of Leyte, a naval campaign that took place from October 23 to 26, 1944, from strategic, political, historical, and personal perspectives.
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