Bertrand, Lynne

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City of the uncommon thief

"In a walled city of a mile-high iron guild towers many things are common knowledge: No book in any of the city's libraries reveals its place on a calendar or a map. No living beasts can be found within the city's walls. And no good comes to the guilder or foundling who trespasses too far from their labors. Even on the tower rooftops, where Errol Thebes and the rest of the city's teenagers pass a few short years under an open sky, no one truly believes anything uncommon is possible within the city walls. But one guildmaster has broken tradition to protect her child, and now the whole city faces an uncommon threat: a pair of black iron spikes that has the power of both sword and needle on the rib cages of men has gone missing, but the mayhem they cause rises everywhere. If the spikes are not found, no wall will be high enough to protect the city-- or the world beyond it"--Jacket flap.

Granite baby

Five talented New Hampshire sisters try to care for a baby that one of them has carved out of granite.

Dragon naps

Two young dragons try all sorts of ways to pass the time when they are told to take a nap. Text and illustrations feature numbers from one to twenty.

One day, two dragons

A counting book that relates what happens when two dragons go to the doctor's office at Three Bug Street to get four vaccinations.
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