Chall, Marsha Wilson

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A secret keeps

Relates a child's trip from his urban home to his grandparents' farm, where a secret surprise awaits at the end of a long weekend.

Rupa raises the sun

Every dark and cold morning Rupa tromps around her tiny cookfire in order to raise the sun, but when she decides it is time for a rest the village elders must try to find a substitute.

One pup's up

Rhyming text counts off ten puppies as they awaken one by one, chase and bounce around the house, eat kibble and get washed, then fall back to sleep.

Sugarbush spring

As winter melts into spring, Rosie and her grandfather collect sap, and then the whole family works through the night to make maple syrup.


Mattie's adventures include selling her little brother, finding the perfect Valentine's Day gift for an obnoxious classmate, and cutting her brother's hair.

Happy Birthday, America!

Joined by an army of aunts, uncles, and cousins, eight-year-old Kay and her family celebrate the Fourth of July.

Pick a pup

After observing different types of dogs in his neighborhood, Sam and Gram go to the local pet shelter to choose a puppy.


When a young French boy goes away to school, he and his dog are sad to be separated until they find a way to change the school's rules about dogs.

Prairie train

A young girl experiences the thrill of her first train ride when she takes the Great Northern from the country to visit her grandmother in the city.

Up north at the cabin

Summer vacation up north at the cabin provides memorable experiences with the water, the animals, and the other faces of nature.
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