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Are you fat?

the obesity issue for teens
"Read about obesity, its causes, health risks, diets and their dangers, weight-loss surgery, and healthy lifestyles"--.

Are you downloading copyrighted stuff?

Find out what piracy is, its history and how to avoid it.

Are you at risk for food allergies?

"Find out what food allergies are, how the body reacts, testing for food allergies, living with food allergies, and the future of food allergies"--Provided by publisher.

Do you have a friend who is suicidal?

"In today's high-paced, high-pressure world, many teens cave into the pressure and decide to take their own lives, leaving behind confused and hurt family and friends. Through expert advice and firsthand accounts from teens, readers can learn the warning signs of suicidal behavior, and how best to help others or themselves"--Provided by the publisher.

Are you LGBTQ?

"Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer or Questioning. Each of these terms has an individual meaning and community around them. Through interviews with professionals as well as those in the LGBTQ community, readers can learn not only the definition of each of these words, but also what it means on a greater scale. Perfect for research or personal use, this text will provide teens with answers to many of their questions about sexuality and create a dialogue through which they can learn to accept each other and themselves"--Provided by the publisher.

Do you know what to eat?

"Discusses the difficulties facing those with problems eating, including history, symptoms, treatments, nutrition, and ways to help"--Provided by publisher.

Are you afraid?

"Discusses problems and difficulties facing those with phobias, including history, symptoms, treatments, and ways to help"--Provided by publisher.

Are you being abused?

Clarifies abuse and its circumstances, including ways to get help.

Do you wonder about sex and sexuality?

"Sex and sexuality can be difficult topics to talk about. Find answers to your questions as you learn about the complex and sometimes controversial topics of sexuality, contraception, abstinence, sex education, pregnancy, and STDs. A little knowledge goes a long way in helping you to make informed decisions"--Provided by the publisher.


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