Mastering physics

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Understanding quantum physics

Introduces quantum physics, the study of matter at the subatomic level.

Understanding kinetic energy

An introduction to kinetic energy describing the basics of mechanical energy.

Understanding forces of nature

gravity, electricity, and magnetism
Looks at natural forces, including gravity and electromagnetism.

Understanding the laws of motion

An introduction to the three laws of motion that explain how forces act on matter and on how matter responds to forces.

Understanding waves and wave motion

An introduction to waves and wave motion, explaining electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves, the behaviors of waves, and real-world uses of waves.

Understanding the laws of thermodynamics

Looks at thermodynamics and converting heat into energy.

Understanding waves and wave motion

Waves and wave motion are the keys to communication but they can also help us understand the movement of storms and of planets.

Understanding quantum physics

Quantum physics is the study of matter at the subatomic level, and it gives us an understanding of the basic structure of the universe.

Understanding the laws of thermodynamics

Converting heat to energy or energy to heat has been a challenge for scientists for centuries. Now, the challenge of thermodynamics is to makes these conversions without damaging the environment.

Understanding the laws of motion

Sir Isaac Newton formulated the laws of universal gravitation and the three laws of motion. These explain how forces act on matter, and on how matter responds to forces. This leads to an understanding of how things move.


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