Mayer, Gina

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Just like dad

Little Critter discusses all of the ways he wants to be like his father when he grows up.
Cover image of Just like dad

Just a little different

Just fishing with Grandma

Little Critter enjoys a day fishing with his grandmother in spite of several mishaps.

Just me and my cousin

Little Critter goes to visit his cousin and aunt and uncle. A few disasters follow before the visit is over.
Cover image of Just me and my cousin

Just a bad day

Little Critter's generally bad day has a happy ending when his father comes home from work with a surprise.
Cover image of Just a bad day

The school play

Just leave me alone

Just a little homework

Presents a "Little Critter" story about all the things that can get in the way of doing just a little homework.

Just a toy

Little Critter and his sister go to the toy store as a special treat but Little Critter cannot decide what to buy.

Just a bad day


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