religious discrimination

Topical Term
religious discrimination

Debating religious liberty and discrimination

"Virtually everyone supports religious liberty, and virtually everyone opposes discrimination. But how do we handle the hard questions that arise when exercises of religious liberty seem to discriminate unjustly? How do we promote the common good while respecting conscience in a diverse society?"
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Religious discrimination

Religious discrimination affects people of all different faiths, from Judaism and Christianity to Islam, whose followers are known as Muslims. Research has shown that Muslims face religious discrimination the most of any religious group, followed by Jews. Religious Discrimination examines what this discrimination entails, how it is manifested, how widespread it is, how it affects real people, and efforts to address this discrimination.
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Explores the history of discrimination toward American Muslims, what is being done today to fight prejudice, personal stories of those affected, and more.

So many Christians, so few lions

is there Christianophobia in the United States?
This is a provocative look at anti-Christian sentiments in America. Drawing on both quantitative and qualitative research, the authors do not attempt to show the prevalence of anti-Christian attitudes but rather to document it, dig into where it exists, explore who holds these attitudes, and examine how this bias plays itself out in everyday life.
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