
Topical Term

Climate change and our Earth

Since the mid-20th century, increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have shifted global climate patterns. Climate change has become a defining issue of our time. Young readers will learn about how climate change is reshaping Earth, sometimes with devastating consequences. The narrative encourages readers to draw connections between growing populations and climate change. It offers insight into emerging solutions and offers relatable examples of young activists who are using their voices to inspire change for a better tomorrow.


"Living and nonliving things all interact in an ecosystem. Fish swim and breathe in water. Trees take root in soil. Ecosystems looks at the important roles of living and nonliving things in an ecosystem. Text, . . . images, and . . . back matter give readers a . . . look at this subject. Features include a table of contents, infographics, a glossary, additional resources, and an index. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards"--Provided by publisher.

Polar regions

An exploration of the polar regions, discussing the plants and animals that have adapted to live there, their ecology, survival skills and more.

Habitat facts

"Learn all about habitats one fact at a time! Explore the world from the desert to the ocean--and everywhere in between. Along the way you'll get to know the plants and animals that call each of these habitats home"--Provided by publisher.

What if tigers disappeared?

Readers will be fascinated by this edifying text, which takes a hard look at what would happen if tigers were to disappear.

[Tropical rain forest

Describes tropical rain forests, including where they are located and the various plants and animals that live and interact there.


delving deep into the layers of the earth
"Soil may look like lifeless matter beneath your feet, but nothing could be further from the truth! Healthy soil is teeming with organisms, organic material, and minerals that make plant life--including sources of food--possible. Readers will learn more about the 'recipe' for good soil, how soil may change because of environmental factors, and that soil is truly one of the most vital natural resources on Earth. Attractive images are a perfect addition for the visual learner, while supportive, comprehensible facts are distributed throughout the text in eye-catching ways"--Provided by the publisher.

Becoming dinosaurs

a prehistoric perspective on climate change today : what's happened before, what's happening now, and what we might do to avoid extinction
"Takes a look at climate change from the viewpoint of the entire 4.55 billion years of Earth's history"--Dust jacket.

Who needs an iceberg?

an arctic ecosystem
An introduction to arctic ecosystems, describing the plants and animals native to arctic regions, and discussing threats to the Arctic and its importance to the rest of the world.

A walk in the tundra

Takes readers on a walk in the tundra, showing examples of how the animals and plants of the tundra are connected and dependent on each other and the tundra's soil and climate.


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