Bateman, Teresa

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Paul Bunyan vs. Hals Halson

the giant lumberjack challenge!
Hals Halson, who is nearly as tall as the legendary Paul Bunyan, strides into a logging camp determined to prove himself the greatest lumberjack in North America, despite Paul's attempts at friendship.

Farm flu


The frog with the big mouth

In the rainforest, a frog with a very big mouth catches an enormous fly. The frog brags to a toucan, a coati, and a capybara. Wanting to brag just a little longer, he tells a jaguar. Guess what jaguars like to eat?.

The Ring of Truth

After the king of the leprechauns bestows on him the Ring of Truth, Patrick O'Kelley no longer expects to win a blarney contest.

The Frog with the Big Mouth

An Argentine wide-mouthed frog sets out through the rain forest to brag about his fly-eating abilities and encounters a toco toucan, a coati, a capybara, and a jaguar.

A plump and perky turkey

The townspeople of Squawk Valley try to trick a turkey into being their Thanksgiving dinner, but are frustrated in their efforts when the turkey tricks them instead.

Damon, Pythias, and the test of friendship

Illustrations and text depict the friendship of Damon and Pythias, but after Pythias is condemned for speaking out against the ruler, Damon's loyalty to his best friend is tested.

Hunting the daddyosaurus

Two young dinosaurs track their father around the house and finally tackle him in his easy chair.


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