Bullard, Lisa

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Daniela's day of the dead

Daniela and her family celebrate the Mexican holiday of the Day of the Dead.

Ford Mustang

Simple text and colorful photographs describe the history and models of the Ford Mustang.

Chevrolet Corvette

Simple text and colorful photographs describe the history and models of the Chevrolet Corvette.


An introduction to various types of racing powerboats.

Busy animals

learning about animals in autumn
While walking through a nature reserve, a girl learns what different animals do in the fall to prepare for the coming winter.

Rally for recycling

An introduction to recycling, following Tyler as he learns what happens to things when they are recycled, and describing ways to participate with instructions for a related activity.

Power up to fight pollution

An introduction to pollution, following Tyler as he discovers the things that harm the Earth's air, water, and land, and describing ways to help improve the environment.

Earth Day every day

Trina, concerned that people are doing things that hurt the Earth, motivates her friends and family to develop a variety of Earth Day projects and to keep the good work going all year long.

Choose to reuse

An introduction to recycling, following Tyler as he looks for ways to reuse his old things, and explaining the benefits to the environment.

Not enough beds!

a Christmas alphabet book
Zachary goes through the alphabet recounting who sleeps where, from Aunt Alison in an overstuffed chair to himself under the tree, when all the relatives come to visit at Christmas.


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