Moldovo, Eustacia

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Learning how to measure with puppies and kittens

Readers are introduced to measurement concepts with clear, simple explanations.

Learning subtraction with puppies and kittens

Readers are introduced to mathamatical subtraction concepts with clear, simple explanations.

Learning addition with puppies and kittens

Readers are introduced to mathamatical addition concepts with clear, simple explanations.

Learning to tell time with puppies and kittens

Readers are introduced to telling time with clear, simple explanations.
Cover image of Learning to tell time with puppies and kittens

Baby monkeys at the zoo

"Describes the life of a monkey infant at a zoo, including its behaviors, diet, and physical traits."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Baby monkeys at the zoo

Baby pandas at the zoo

"Describes the life of a panda cub at a zoo, including its behaviors, diet, and physical traits."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Baby pandas at the zoo

Baby lions at the zoo

"Describes the life of a lion cub at a zoo, including its behaviors, diet, and physical traits."--Provided by publisher.

Baby zebras at the zoo

"Describes the life of a zebra foal at a zoo, including its behaviors, diet, and physical traits."--Provided by publisher.

Baby giraffes at the zoo

"Describes the life of a giraffe calf at a zoo, including its behaviors, diet, and physical traits"--Provided by publisher.

Baby zebras at the zoo

"Describes the life of a zebra foal at a zoo, including its behaviors, diet, and physical traits"--Provided by publisher.


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