Every January, ten-year-old Adelina Mayoral looks forward to the arrival of the grey whales when they come to the lagoon near her home in Baja California, Mexico, to give birth to their calves.
Describes the physical characteristics, habitat, food habits and defense mechanisms of this gray-spotted whale which can be found in the North Pacific ocean.
Describes the life history, appearance, habits, distribution, and migratory range of the Gray whale, a shallow-water species that inhabits coastal waters and lagoons; and includes color photographs.
Introduces students to the gray whale, describing its habitat, behavior, and threats to its existence, and explores how people are trying to save it from extinction.
Follows the activities of a mother whale and her calf from the latter's birth to his weaning as they migrate up the California coast to the Bering Sea.
The author describes how, while training for a long-distance swim off the coast of California, she encountered a baby gray whale that had become separated from its mother and had been following her instead, and her efforts to find the baby's mother.