graphic methods

Topical Term
graphic methods

Graphs in action

An illustrated introduction to graphs that describes different types of graphs--bar, circle, and line--practical applications, and their usefulness to communicate business growth and productivity; and provides problem-solving activities and an answer key.

Lines, bars and circles

how William Playfaire invented graphs
Looks at how William Playfair invented line, bar, and circle graphs.

The best food in the forest

Simple text and illustrations look at picture graphs.

Learning about the effects of natural events with graphic organizers

Uses texts and graphs to explain the impact of storms, earthquakes, wildfires, and other natural disasters on Earth and those who live here.

Groovy graphing

Rhyming text provides an introduction to the concept of graphing, including coordinates, scale, and ordered pairs.

Mashed potatoes

collecting data
Colorful photographs and simple text introduce children to the mathematical concepts of comparing data using the base ten numeration system.

Animal infographics

Infographics are simple graphic representations of numerical data. This title features a variety of infographics that teach readers about animals, featuring such topics as the world's biggest, smallest, slowest, and fastest animals.

Wildlife scientists :reading and understanding graphs

An introduction to data analysis and probability that describes how wildlife scientists such as Ian Stirling and Jane Goodall use graphs and charts in their work, and includes a time line and problem-solving activity.

Groovy graphing

Presents information on graphing, covering topics such as coordinate planes, ordered pairs, plotting coordinates, creating a scale, graphing between points, quadrants, and coordinate graphs and maps. Includes practice problems, a glossary, and a list of additional resources.

Let's make a tally chart

Explains the features of tally charts and discusses how they can be used to organize data. Outlines how to make a tally chart of one's own and includes photographs and a glossary.


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