Booth, Jack

Compare Name: 

Nomad king

Temujin, king of Mongolia, extends his power and empire beyond Mongolia and China. Includes historical facts and timeline.

Kazuma's quest

Kazuma must confront the murderer of his father and reclaim the family sword. Includes historical facts and timeline.

War heroes

Describes different people who have performed heroic deeds during wartime.

Raiders of the seas

Graphic novel representation of Blackbeard's life as a pirate and his defeat.

Secret identity

Graphic novel telling the story of Sarah Edmonds, who posed as a man during the Civil War in order to serve as a spy for the Union Army.

True crime

Explores some of the world's greatest crimes and how professionals solve crime.

Top secret

the world of spies
Explores the world of espionage, from ancient times to present day.

War heroes

Describes different people who have performed heroic deeds during wartime.

The 10 most gripping 20th century war stories

Highlights ten events that had a significant impact on military history around the world.

The 10 most outrageous heists

Describes ten heists considered outrageous by the author, including the flight 305 skyjacking, the 1983 robbery of the Brinks Mat warehouse, and the 2003 burglary of diamonds from the Antwerp Diamond Center.


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