Miller, Heather

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hard rock band
Provides an overview of the history of the Australian rock band AC/DC and discusses the lives of the band members. Includes a time line, a discography, a list of concert tours, a glossary, and suggestions for further reading.
Cover image of AC


hard rock band
Provides an overview of the history of the Australian rock band AC/DC and discusses the lives of the band members. Includes a time line, a discography, a list of concert tours, a glossary, and suggestions for further reading.


Discusses the work done by firefighters, the equipment used, training required, and what a firefighter's day is like.

Art Scene

The Hoover Dam

"Describes the struggles and accomplishments in building the Hoover Dam. Includes glossary, websites, and bibliography for further reading"--Provided by publisher.

Lo que hacen los trabajadores sanitarios =

What sanitation workers do
Photographs and simple text written in both English and Spanish describe the various jobs that sanitation workers do.

Obrero de contrucci?n

An introduction to the educational background, equipment, clothing, and various duties of a construction worker.


A simple introduction to the equipment, daily duties, training, and other aspects of the job of a veterinarian.


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