wellman, sam

wellman, sam

Amy Carmichael

A Life Abandoned to God
Surely if Jesus could give everything He had, she could do no less. And so in 1895, Irish-born Amy Carmichael embraced an unusual mission in India, one that would last for the remaining fifty-six years of her life. The Dohnavur Fellowship would become, under her loving guidance, a place of sanctuary for more than one thousand children who would otherwise have faced a bleak future. Amy Carmichael's service for God also extended to the printed page, as she wrote nearly three dozen Christian books.

John Bunyan

Author of The Pilgrim's Progress
A tinker by trade, Bunyan began to preach in 1657, drawing enthusiastic crowds that were hungry for a message unencumbered by Anglican ritual. Such preaching was to land him in prison, but Bunyan's time there was well spent. The doubts, temptations, and hopes of his own spiritual journey were put on paper in the Puritan allegory, The Pilgrim's Progress.
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