Members of a rabbit family visit an apple orchard, where they have fun picking and learning about apples. Includes a recipe for applesauce, a song, directions for a craft activity, and sayings about apples.
Minna's mother suggests she invite a few friends to a star party, including a special dinner, a trip to the new Star Space at the Children's Museum, and star-gazing.
Three mice "borrow" a postcard which is a reproduction of a painting, and from it they learn about color, pattern, line, and shape. Includes instructions for making and sending a postcard.
When Minna has a school assignment to make a poster about recycling, her entire rabbit family spends the week practicing various kinds of recycling and suggesting ideas for her poster.
Buddy the bear visits a local nature center to learn more about rocks. Roxie the ranger helps him learns about bedrock, erosion, and how rocks are formed.
Minna does a lot of thinking about her project to do something kind, make a picture about what she did, and share it with her classmates, but finally comes up with an idea that spreads to the whole school.
Walter notices water in his everyday activities and begins to write down his observations and the results of his experiments in a notebook that he shares with a friend.
Join Mama and Buddy Bear's stroll through the seasons as they examine the development of leaves on their favorite trees. A wealth of information is tucked into this engaging story and makes it a great read aloud. SEASONAL: AUTUMN.